FileMaker Server Monitoring with Zabbix

Wim Decorte, Mislav Kos, FileMaker DevCon 2019 Monitoring the health of your FileMaker Server is essential for ensuring optimal performance, security, and stability. With the removal of built-in monitoring tools from the FileMaker Admin Console in recent versions, developers and administrators need a reliable alternative to track key server metrics, manage alerts, and troubleshoot issues

Zabbix FileMaker Server Monitoring

Source: Aaron Kaiser, May 22, 2019, DBServices blog Zabbix, one of the largest free and open source server monitor applications with 300,000 installations worldwide, can be used to collect and display metrics from multiple FileMaker servers at once on one interface; therefore, giving you the ability to save time monitoring servers individually. Viewable from a

All Things FileMaker Server: Performance, Tuning, Troubleshooting, API, IoT

Wim Decorte, Nov 8, 2018, DIGFM Table of Contents Introduction In this comprehensive guide, we dive into FileMaker Server’s core functionalities, explore potential bottlenecks, and provide strategies for improving performance, scaling, and troubleshooting. This guide is heavily based on insights from Wim Decorte’s presentations, discussions, and hands-on experience with large-scale FileMaker deployments. Wim’s expertise spans

FileMaker Pro Audit Trail “Revisited”

Source: Doug West, Apr 26, 2018, EXcelisys, Inc Nearly four years have passed since our last Easy-Bake FileMaker Pro Audit Trail made its Internet debut. The same principles are still going strong, and now we’ve added some bells and whistles based on user feedback. The steps to implement this revised FileMaker Pro audit trail technique

FileMaker Security in the Enterprise

Alan Deffenderfer, FileMaker DevCon 2017 Menu Introduction to Enterprise FileMaker Security To top FileMaker is increasingly becoming a trusted tool in enterprise environments, and with this growth comes the need for heightened security. In this session, Alan Deffenderfer shares his firsthand experience working with FileMaker in the Defense Sector over a period of three and

Early Approaches to FileMaker Security: Web Companion

Beverly Voth, FileMaker Pro 6 Developer’s Guide to XML/XSL, 2003 Introduction: In our ongoing exploration of FileMaker security, we’re stepping back to 2003 with insights from FileMaker Pro 6 Developer’s Guide to XML/XSL by Beverly Voth. This era marks a crucial stage in FileMaker’s security history—one where web-based database publishing was becoming more common, yet