Modern DevOps: Making the Switch

A Comprehensive and Detailed Guide Mislav Kos, Sep 2, 2020, Claris Engage 2020 Table of Contents Introduction The adoption of DevOps practices in FileMaker development can drastically improve the efficiency, quality, and agility of your projects. This guide dives deep into the transition from traditional development methods to a modern DevOps approach, focusing on tools,

How to investigate access privileges of Plug-ins and FileMaker Pro

Peter Baanen, Mar 21, 2020, Troi Plugins blog Source: With macOS 10.14 Mojave Apple added new (and more strict) security measures, which may cause some functions of the Troi File Plug-in to return an error. Some FileMaker script steps that worked before, will now return error code $$-5000, which is error afpAccessDenied (User does not have

Analyzing crash dump files for Windows

Interpreting Windows Crash Reports: Diagnosing Issues in FileMaker Server Source: On Windows if an application like FileMaker Server crashes, you’ll find a dmp file for the crash. For example in C:\WINDOWS\MiniDump folder. Once you got the file, you wonder how to read it. It seems like the best was to use WinDbg application from

FileMaker Server Monitoring with Zabbix

Wim Decorte, Mislav Kos, FileMaker DevCon 2019 Monitoring the health of your FileMaker Server is essential for ensuring optimal performance, security, and stability. With the removal of built-in monitoring tools from the FileMaker Admin Console in recent versions, developers and administrators need a reliable alternative to track key server metrics, manage alerts, and troubleshoot issues

FileMaker Pro Audit Trail “Revisited”

Source: Doug West, Apr 26, 2018, EXcelisys, Inc Nearly four years have passed since our last Easy-Bake FileMaker Pro Audit Trail made its Internet debut. The same principles are still going strong, and now we’ve added some bells and whistles based on user feedback. The steps to implement this revised FileMaker Pro audit trail technique

FileMaker Security in the Enterprise

Alan Deffenderfer, FileMaker DevCon 2017 Menu Introduction to Enterprise FileMaker Security To top FileMaker is increasingly becoming a trusted tool in enterprise environments, and with this growth comes the need for heightened security. In this session, Alan Deffenderfer shares his firsthand experience working with FileMaker in the Defense Sector over a period of three and

A Bag of Goodies: ExecuteSQL(), Named Buckets, RelationInfo…

Wim Decorte, Apr 29, 2016, FM DevCon 2014 Source: Back in 2014, I did a DevCon session on “Deep-Dive Scripting, an Audit log…”. The end-result of getting an audit log was not as important as the journey among the new and old scripting and function features. On the various FileMaker forums I see a lot of