Reinstalling FileMaker Server to troubleshoot an issue

Claris Support Source: FileMaker’s Support Methodology identifies the application as a factor to consider when troubleshooting an issue.  The most certain way to rule out the Server application is to perform a clean uninstall and reinstall of FileMaker Server. Follow the steps below to completely uninstall FileMaker Server while preserving your settings and data. Table of Contents Backup databasesSave schedulesClose

FileMaker Server Monitoring with Zabbix

Wim Decorte, Mislav Kos, FileMaker DevCon 2019 Monitoring the health of your FileMaker Server is essential for ensuring optimal performance, security, and stability. With the removal of built-in monitoring tools from the FileMaker Admin Console in recent versions, developers and administrators need a reliable alternative to track key server metrics, manage alerts, and troubleshoot issues

FileMaker Pro Audit Trail “Revisited”

Source: Doug West, Apr 26, 2018, EXcelisys, Inc Nearly four years have passed since our last Easy-Bake FileMaker Pro Audit Trail made its Internet debut. The same principles are still going strong, and now we’ve added some bells and whistles based on user feedback. The steps to implement this revised FileMaker Pro audit trail technique