Automate Your FileMaker Server Installation

Claus Lavendt, Jan 8, 2022, FilaMaker Training TV Automating the installation of a FileMaker Server can save countless hours, minimize errors, and ensure consistent configurations every time. In this blog post, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on using shell scripts to automate the setup of a FileMaker Server on Ubuntu Linux, featuring insights

FileMaker Server 18 Stability Improvements

Claris Support blog Source: A small number of customers have experienced stability issues with FileMaker Server 18, resulting in occasional crashes. There are a number of actions you can take to improve stability.  Answer Number: 000034865 Products Source: FileMaker Server Startup Restoration Feature IMPORTANT: A small number of customers have experienced stability issues with FileMaker

DevOps in FileMaker with The Moyer Group

Heidi Porter, Chris Moyer, July 15, 2021, FileMaker Training Videos Table of Contents Introduction: What is DevOps? To top DevOps, a term derived from Development and Operations, represents a combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that enhance an organization’s ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity. By merging development and operations into

Emergency Procedures for FileMaker Server Crashes

Jacob Taylor, April 21, 2021, FileMaker Training Videos Introduction FileMaker Server crashes are inevitable in high-demand environments. A quick and structured response is key to minimizing downtime, safeguarding data, and ensuring that such incidents don’t repeat. This guide provides a deep dive into diagnosing the cause, executing a proper recovery, preventing future crashes, and completing

Monitoring FileMaker Server with Zabbix

Templates for Zabbix 5 and 6 ClickWorks blog Source: Cloud, On premises and hybrid installations of FileMaker Server Claris is moving towards towards a Saas (Software as a Service) model. The strategy is Cloud first – but not Cloud only. Here at ClickWorks we fully support this. Although we also believe on-premises or “own-cloud”

Modern DevOps: Making the Switch

A Comprehensive and Detailed Guide Mislav Kos, Sep 2, 2020, Claris Engage 2020 Table of Contents Introduction The adoption of DevOps practices in FileMaker development can drastically improve the efficiency, quality, and agility of your projects. This guide dives deep into the transition from traditional development methods to a modern DevOps approach, focusing on tools,

Fix error 853 when encrypting FileMaker databases

Troubleshooting FileMaker Database Encryption Issues Source: Have you ever gotten the following error after trying to encrypt your FileMaker databases? Error 853 refers to One or more containers failed to transfer in the error code listing and herein usually lies the problem. When you encrypt your database, make sure to place the existing external container data into the

A Bag of Goodies: ExecuteSQL(), Named Buckets, RelationInfo…

Wim Decorte, Apr 29, 2016, FM DevCon 2014 Source: Back in 2014, I did a DevCon session on “Deep-Dive Scripting, an Audit log…”. The end-result of getting an audit log was not as important as the journey among the new and old scripting and function features. On the various FileMaker forums I see a lot of