Automate Your FileMaker Server Installation

Claus Lavendt, Jan 8, 2022, FilaMaker Training TV Automating the installation of a FileMaker Server can save countless hours, minimize errors, and ensure consistent configurations every time. In this blog post, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on using shell scripts to automate the setup of a FileMaker Server on Ubuntu Linux, featuring insights

FileMaker Server 18 Stability Improvements

Claris Support blog Source: A small number of customers have experienced stability issues with FileMaker Server 18, resulting in occasional crashes. There are a number of actions you can take to improve stability.  Answer Number: 000034865 Products Source: FileMaker Server Startup Restoration Feature IMPORTANT: A small number of customers have experienced stability issues with FileMaker

Using Command Line with FileMaker Server

Jacob Taylor, Jun 3, 2021, FileMaker Training Videos Menu Introduction FileMaker Server is a powerful backend that supports FileMaker solutions, offering features such as multi-user access, backups, and security configurations. While most administrators manage FileMaker Server through the Admin Console, the Command Line Interface (CLI) offers greater flexibility and control. The FMS Admin CLI allows

FileMaker Security Audit

John Newhoff, May 31, 2021, Portage Bay blog Source: INTRODUCTION One of our large clients recently had a change of ownership. The new ownership team brought in a security analysis firm, BlueOrange, to perform a security analysis and penetration testing study of our client’s IT infrastructure, including the custom Claris FileMaker solution we developed for them and have been

FileMaker Server Command Line Reference

Claris Support The Command Line Interface (CLI) is a text based user interface that can be used to interact with FileMaker products. Note The following information is for server administrators. FileMaker provides the tool fmsadmin for administering FileMaker Server via the command line interface (CLI). You must be logged on to the computer running FileMaker Server, either directly

Monitoring FileMaker Server with Zabbix

Templates for Zabbix 5 and 6 ClickWorks blog Source: Cloud, On premises and hybrid installations of FileMaker Server Claris is moving towards towards a Saas (Software as a Service) model. The strategy is Cloud first – but not Cloud only. Here at ClickWorks we fully support this. Although we also believe on-premises or “own-cloud”

Securing Your FileMaker Server in the Cloud

Koen Van Hulle, Claris Engage 2020 Menu: Introduction: Why Cloud Security for FileMaker Server Matters #tag1 With the increasing shift toward cloud-hosted solutions, securing your FileMaker Server has never been more critical. Hosting your FileMaker solution in the cloud offers many advantages, including accessibility and scalability, but it also presents significant security challenges. At Claris

Customizing the Zabbix Dashboard for FileMaker Server Monitoring

Beth Bennet, Sep 23, 2020, Soliant Consulting Blog Source: The default dashboard that you get with a new Zabbix instance is not exactly optimized for monitoring a FileMaker server (see Figure 1). It focuses on displaying Problems, in two different ways, adds an analog clock showing your own current time, not the server’s time (why would