Streamlining Quality Management: How FileMaker Powers ISO 9001 Compliance in Real-world Businesses

John Newhoff, Dec 28, 2023, Portage Bay blog Source: We Can Help You Navigate the Complex World of Quality Management Systems & ISO 9001 Compliance For virtually all of my thirty-plus years at Portage Bay, we have helped numerous small and medium-sized companies navigate the complex world of Quality Management Systems (QMS), primarily in FileMaker Pro

FileMaker Security Audit

John Newhoff, May 31, 2021, Portage Bay blog Source: INTRODUCTION One of our large clients recently had a change of ownership. The new ownership team brought in a security analysis firm, BlueOrange, to perform a security analysis and penetration testing study of our client’s IT infrastructure, including the custom Claris FileMaker solution we developed for them and have been