
This website, CyberFM.eu, is an independent project and is in no way affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Claris International Inc. or its FileMaker product. The views, opinions, and analyses presented on this site are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of Claris International Inc.

All materials on this site, including but not limited to blog posts, articles, and resources, are sourced from publicly available information and open sources. The intellectual property rights of these materials belong to their respective authors and creators, unless otherwise explicitly stated. Any third-party content referenced or reproduced here is used in accordance with fair use principles, solely for educational and informational purposes.

Please note that some chapters on this site are structured conversions of YouTube video transcripts, particularly those from live training sessions or presentations. These parts may not contain a verbatim transcription of the original video content, as pauses for questions, non-essential interactions, and other less relevant segments have been omitted. The focus is on capturing the essence and key points of each subject matter.

If any authors or content creators wish to suggest amendments, corrections, or modifications to articles based on their work, they are encouraged to contact the site owner at kokoutsidis [at] axelar eu.

Original content created by the site owner, Dimitris Kokoutsidis, including posts, analysis, and commentary, is protected under applicable copyright laws and remains the intellectual property of the author.

By accessing or using this site, you acknowledge that the information provided is intended for general knowledge and awareness within the FileMaker community and should not be construed as professional or legal advice.

CyberFM.eu and its owner disclaim any liability for actions taken based on the information provided herein. Users are encouraged to consult official documentation and seek professional guidance where necessary.