
The following is a list of FileMaker Server Event log messages:

IDSeverityMessage Text / Information
ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; no open databases to operate on.
8ErrorUnable to back up database “%2”; can’t replace item with that name on destination “%1”.
10 InformationSchedule “%1” created by “%2”.
14InformationCache flush starting
16InformationDatabase “%1” was successfully compressed and reopened.
18InformationOpened database “%1” read only.
20InformationDeregistration from directory service succeeded.
22InformationClient “%1” closing a connection.
24ErrorRegistration with directory service failed. (%1)
26WarningClient “%1” forced to close connection.
28WarningDeregistration from directory service failed. (%1)
30WarningClient “%1” no longer responding; connection closed. (%2)
34InformationDebug: %1 %3 (%2)
36 InformationNetwork address(es): %1
38ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened; already open by another application.
42ErrorRegistration with directory service failed; host name already registered by another copy of FileMaker Server.
46ErrorRegistration with directory service failed because of invalid credentials.
50ErrorRegistration with directory service failed because of insufficient access.
52ErrorFile “name” could not be opened; a database with that name is already present.
54ErrorDatabase Server quitting! An unrecoverable error occurred: global temporary file damaged.
58ErrorCould not complete operation on database “%1” because it is in the process of closing.
60InformationCache flush completed.
66ErrorCould not pause database “%1” because of lock conflict(s) with %2 database user(s) : %3
68InformationMaximum number of simultaneous connections allowed: %1
70InformationDisconnect idle clients enabled.
72InformationMaximum idle client time: %1
74InformationMaximum number of files to host: %1
76InformationPeriodic cache flush: Enabled
78ErrorClosing database “%1” due to serious error. (%2)
80ErrorIgnored error in closing database “%1” (%2)
82ErrorDatabase “%1” write error on block “%3”. (%2)
84ErrorDatabase “%1” read error on block %3. (%2)
86WarningDatabase or temporary file “%1” low disk space, only %2 KB free! Searched temporary files and freed %3 KB.
88WarningDatabase “%1” compressed, freeing %2 blocks.
90InformationDatabase “%1” free space found; database will be automatically closed, compressed, and reopened.
92ErrorCould not complete operation on database “%1” because it is not currently open.
94InformationClient “%1” opening database “%2” as “%3”.
96ErrorCould not complete operation because the application is in the process of quitting.
98InformationClient “%1” closing database “%2” as “%3”.
102 Error%1 has detected that a required network port (%2) is already in use by another application (probably FileMaker Pro running on this machine). %1 cannot continue and will now shut down.
104 ErrorDatabase Server quitting! Disk full.
106ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened. Database version incompatible; try opening in FileMaker Pro.
108ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened in its current state; open it in FileMaker Pro first.
110ErrorThe maximum number of licensed users are currently using this copy of FileMaker Server.
112InformationThe cache will flush every %1 minutes.
116InformationServer host name type: Custom
118 InformationServer host name type: System
120InformationServer host name: %1
122InformationResuming writes to database “%1”.
126InformationSchedule “%1” scheduled for %2.
132WarningHost capacity exceeded %2 time(s) in the last %3 minutes; %1 clients were already connected.
136InformationThis copy will expire on %1.
140InformationClosing database “%1″…
142ErrorThis version has expired. Please use a current version.
144ErrorThis program requires Windows 2000 or later.
146 InformationSchedule “%1” run now by “%2”.
148InformationSchedule “%1” running.
150InformationSchedule “%1” completed.
152InformationSchedule “%1” aborted; aborted by user.
154ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; “%2” could not be found or is invalid.
156WarningSchedule “%1” aborted; the destination “%2” is not writable.
160ErrorSchedule “%1” was aborted; not enough free space on destination.
162InformationStarting Database Server versionNum…
166InformationDatabase cache size: %1.
168InformationDatabase “%1” closed.
174InformationStatistics logging disabled.
176InformationQuit canceled.
178InformationMaximum size of log file: %1
180InformationQuit forced.
182InformationFileMaker Server is going to sleep. The entire cache will be flushed. All schedules will be suspended.
184InformationOpened database “%1”.
186InformationFileMaker Server is now awake. All schedules will now be resumed.
188ErrorDatabase “%1” close error. Database may be damaged; try opening it in FileMaker Pro. (%2)
190InformationClient “%1” opening a connection using “%2”.
192InformationAutomatic download of updates by clients: %1
194WarningDatabase “%1” was not closed properly; performing consistency check on %2 blocks…
196InformationDirectory service registration: Disabled
200WarningClient “%1” denied access because the license key is already in use by client “%2”.
206InformationRegistration with directory service succeeded.
210ErrorFileMaker Server quitting! Could not allocate required memory at initialization. (%1)
212ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; task type not supported.
226InformationThis log file reached maximum size, and was renamed. A new log file was created.
228InformationThe previous log file reached maximum size, and was renamed to “%1”.
230ErrorThis log file reached maximum size, but it could not be renamed. (%1)
232ErrorThis log file reached maximum size, but a new one could not be created. (%1)
240ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened: not a FileMaker Pro database.
242ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened. Database may be damaged; use the Recover command in FileMaker Pro 10.
244ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened: maximum number of files already opened.
246ErrorFileMaker Server quitting! An unrecoverable error occurred. (%1)
248ErrorFileMaker Server quitting! Temporary file could not be created.
250ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened; file was not found.
254WarningCould not pause or resume database “%1” because it is already paused or resumed.
266InformationServer busy executing another command. Please wait.
268ErrorRequested command has not been executed.
270ErrorAnother instance of FileMaker Server is already running.
274WarningThis copy of FileMaker Server has not been registered yet.
280ErrorUnable to open log file: %1. (%2)
282ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be opened: Permission denied.
406InformationStarting FileMaker Database Engine…
408InformationFileMaker Database Engine started.
410InformationStopping FileMaker Database Engine…
412InformationFileMaker Database Engine stopped.
416ErrorError: Unable to start the FileMaker Database Engine…
418InformationOpening database “%1″…
420InformationPausing database “%1″…
422InformationDatabase “%1” paused.
424InformationResuming database “%1″…
426InformationDatabase “%1” resumed.
428InformationPlug-in loaded: %1
430InformationAdditional database location: %1
434InformationDefault backup location: %1
436InformationCustom database extensions: %1
438InformationDirectory service server name: %1
440InformationDirectory service LDAP port: %1
442InformationDirectory service account name: %1
444InformationDirectory service distinguished name: %1
446InformationDirectory service owner: %1
448InformationDirectory service location: %1
450InformationDirectory service phone: %1
452InformationDirectory service e-mail: %1
456InformationSecure (SSL) Network Encryption: Enabled
458InformationStarting to back up database “<name>”, current status: <status>
460InformationBackup of “<name>” completed, current status: <status>
462ErrorInternal error occurred on file “%1” (%2).
466InformationFile list filtering: Disabled
468InformationFile list filtering: Enabled
470InformationServer scheduling disabled.
472InformationServer scheduling enabled.
474ErrorPlug-in failed to load: %1
476InformationPlug-in enabled: %1
478InformationPlug-in disabled: %1
480InformationUse of server-side plug-ins: Enabled
482InformationUse of server-side plug-ins: Disabled
486InformationDatabase Server started.
488InformationStopping Database Server…
490InformationDatabase Server Stopped.
492InformationSample statistics every %1 seconds.
494ErrorBackup aborted. Invalid backup destination: “%1”.
496WarningClient “%1” has been asked to disconnect. Message sent: %2
498InformationSecure (SSL) Network Encryption: Disabled
500InformationClient authentication method: FileMaker accounts only
502InformationClient authentication method: FileMaker and External Server.
504InformationRemote administration: Enabled
506InformationRemote administration: Disabled
508ErrorAnother copy of FileMaker Server (%1) is already running with this license. This copy of FileMaker Server will not open any databases, but will allow updating the license key or configuring for standby server. 
510InformationDirectory service registration: Enabled
512InformationDirectory service Windows domain: %1
514InformationAdministrator authentication method: Password required
518InformationAdministrator connected: “%1” (%2).
520InformationAdministrator disconnected: “%1” (%2).
522WarningAdministrator authentication failed: “%1” (%2).
524ErrorRemote administrator connection from %1 was refused.
532InformationAutomatic updates disabled.
533InformationAutomatic updates enabled.
576WarningFileMaker Server trial license will expire today.
577WarningFileMaker Server external test license has expired. Server will now shut down.
578InformationNetwork KB/sec In
579InformationDisk KB/sec Read
580InformationCache Hit %
582InformationCache Unsaved %
583InformationFileMaker Clients
584InformationOpen Databases
586ErrorFileMaker Server license information is invalid or missing. FileMaker Server will not open any databases, but will allow updating the license key in the Admin Console.
588InformationAdministrator authentication method: Require membership in “fmsadmin” group
596InformationDisconnect idle clients disabled.
597InformationStatistics logging enabled.
601InformationClient “%1” opening database “%2” as “Guest”.
602InformationAdministrator authentication method: Require no password
606InformationDefault database location: %1
607InformationXDBC connections are allowed.
608InformationXDBC connections are not allowed.
609WarningFileMaker Server trial license has expired. Server will now shut down.
612WarningFileMaker Server trial license will expire in %1 days.
613InformationMaximum number of client connections configured in FileMaker Server: %1
614InformationMaximum number of client connections permitted by FileMaker Server License: %1
615InformationMaximum number of Web Publishing Engine sessions configured in FileMaker Server : %1
616InformationMaximum number of Web Publishing Engine sessions permitted by FileMaker Server License : %1
618ErrorDatabase “%1” is damaged and has been closed.
619InformationRuntime Solutions custom database extensions: Enabled
620InformationRuntime Solutions custom database extensions: Disabled
621InformationAdditional database folder: Enabled
622InformationAdditional database folder: Disabled
623InformationDirectory service Windows authentication: Enabled
624InformationDirectory service Windows authentication: Disabled
625InformationClient “%1” closing database “%2” as “Guest”.
626ErrorUnable to create temporary file for database “%1”
628WarningAdministrator “%1” no longer responding; connection closed. (%2)
627ErrorUnable to open database “%1” (%2)
632InformationDatabase “%1” is being opened for the first time in FileMaker 10, performing consistency check on %2 blocks…
633InformationDatabase “%1” consistency check succeeded.
634WarningDatabase “%1” consistency check skipped by administrator, database opened. Use of this database could result in data corruption.
635InformationDatabase “%1” consistency check and open aborted by administrator, database closed.
636InformationOpen files without consistency check: Enabled
637InformationOpen files without consistency check: Disabled
638InformationClient “%1” opening a connection from “%2” using “%3”.
639InformationSchedule “%1” consistency check succeeded on backup of database “%2”.
640ErrorSchedule “%1” consistency check failed on backup of database “%2”. (%3)
641ErrorSchedule “%1” unable to open backup of database “%2” for consistency check. (%3)
642ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; unexpected error. (%2)
643ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; unsupported script step.
644InformationSchedule “%1” completed; last scripting error (%2).
645InformationSchedule “%1” scripting error (%2) at “%3”.
654WarningDatabase “%1” cannot be shared; no account has the necessary extended privileges, and [fmapp] could not be added to the [Full Access] privilege set.
655InformationDatabase “%1” was made shareable by adding the [fmapp] extended privilege to the [Full Access] privilege set.
656InformationClient access logging enabled.
657InformationClient access logging disabled.
658InformationEmail notification to administrators: None
659InformationEmail notification to administrators: Errors only
660InformationEmail notification to administrators: Errors and Warnings
661WarningClient “%1” authentication failed on database “%2” using “%3”. Click here for more information.
662InformationDatabase folder “%1” has been removed from “%2”.
663ErrorDatabase folder “%1” could not be removed from “%2”. (%3)
664ErrorSchedule “%1” completed, but consistency check failed on backups of one or more databases.
665InformationPublish Administrator information to Directory Service: Enabled
666InformationPublish Administrator information to Directory Service: Disabled
667ErrorFileMaker Server trial license has expired. This copy of FileMaker Server will not open any databases, but will allow updating the license key in the Admin Console. Contact FileMaker Inc. to purchase a FileMaker Server license.
668InformationPreparing to upload database “%1” to “%2”.
669InformationDatabase “%1” has been uploaded to “%2”.
670ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be uploaded to “%2”. (%3)
671InformationAdministrator “%1” has cancelled the database upload in progress.
672InformationDatabase “%1” has been removed from “%2” and placed in “%3”.
673ErrorDatabase “%1” could not be removed from “%2”. (%3)
674InformationSchedule “%1” deleted.
675InformationSchedule “%1” disabled.
676InformationSchedule “%1” end date has passed, schedule disabled.
677InformationXDBC connections are allowed by this FileMaker Server license.
678InformationXDBC connections are not allowed by this FileMaker Server license.
679InformationIWP connections are allowed by this FileMaker Server license.
680InformationIWP connections are not allowed by this FileMaker Server license.
681ErrorClosing database “%1” due to damaged temporary file…
682InformationDeleted backup folder “%1”.
683InformationRenamed backup folder “%1” to “%2”.
684WarningDeleting backup folder(s) to free %1 KB of disk space needed for new backup.
685ErrorError occurred while deleting backup folder “%1”, some files or folders could not be deleted. (%2)
686ErrorError occurred while renaming backup folder “%1”, folder could not be renamed. (%2)
687InformationPerforming consistency check of database “%1”, total of %2 blocks to check…
688InformationSchedule “%1” has started system script “%2” with process ID %3.
689InformationSchedule “%1” has started FileMaker script “%2”.
690WarningSchedule “%1” has exceeded its time limit.
691ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; time limit exceeded.
692ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; system script “%2” returned non-zero status %3.
693ErrorThe Bonjour service is either not installed or not running. FileMaker Server will not be visible to FileMaker Pro clients.
694InformationOpening database “%1” with consistency check…
695WarningEmail notification to administrators failed: %1
701Error%1 process has terminated abnormally.
702ErrorBackup of “%1” failed due to lock conflict(s) with %2 database user(s): %3
703InformationStarting %1 process…
704InformationStopping %1 process…
705InformationDirectory service secure login: Enabled
706InformationDirectory service secure login: Disabled
714InformationAdministrator group “%1” created, using folder “%2”.
715InformationAdministrator group “%1” removed.
716InformationAdministrator group “%1” modified, using folder “%2”.
717InformationAdministrator group “%1” renamed to “%2”, using folder “%3”.
719WarningAborted consistency check on backup of database “%1”.
720InformationClone succeeded on backup of database “%1”.
721WarningClone failed on backup of database “%1”. (%2)
722WarningAborted clone on backup of database “%1”.
723WarningSchedule “%1” completed, but clone failed on backups of one or more databases.
724Warning%1 process is not responding.
725Information%1 Automatic Restart: Disabled
726Information%1 Automatic Restart: Enabled
727Information%1 process will be restarted.
728ErrorDatabase or temporary file “%1” lock failed due to low disk space, only %2 KB free!
729ErrorBackup aborted by user or due to error; some incomplete files may be left in destination. (%1)
730ErrorClient “%1” single sign-on authentication failed on database “%2” using “%3”.
731InformationSchedule “%1” has started system script “%2” with process ID %3 using account “%4”.
732WarningSchedule “%1” aborted; invalid account name or password.
734InformationSchedule “%1” modified by “%2”.
735InformationSchedule “%1” renamed to “%2” by “%3”.
736InformationSchedule “%1” enabled by “%2”.
737InformationDatabase “%1” being opened by “%2″…
738InformationDatabase “%1” being closed by “%2″…
739InformationDatabase “%1” being paused by “%2″…
740 InformationDatabase “%1” being resumed by “%2″…
741InformationDatabase “%1” being closed for verification by “%2″…
742InformationClient “%1” has been asked to disconnect by “%2”. Message sent: %3
743InformationStarting FileMaker Server processes…
744InformationFileMaker Server processes started.
745InformationStopping FileMaker Server processes…
746InformationFileMaker Server processes stopped.
747Warning%1 has detected that a required network port (%2) is already in use by another application. %1 cannot continue and will now shut down.
748Error%1 quitting! Network initialization error. (%2)
749WarningAdmin Server could not be stopped at this time. Try again later.
750ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; server stopped. A system-level script was left running for this schedule.
751InformationMaximum number of Instant Web Publishing sessions permitted by FileMaker Server License: %1
752InformationMaximum number of Instant Web Publishing sessions configured in FileMaker Server :  %1
753InformationPreparing to download database “%1” by “%2”.
754InformationDatabase “%1” downloaded by “%2”.
755ErrorDownload of database “%1” by “%2” failed; exception: %3.
756WarningDownload of database “%1” by “%2” was canceled.
757ErrorSchedule “%1” aborted; FileMaker scripts can’t be run because FileMaker Script Engine (FMSE) process is stopped. Use the command “fmsadmin start fmse” to start the FMSE process.
758WarningBackup of “%1” skipped because no changes were made since last backup; created hard link to last backup file “%2”.
759WarningAdditional database folder [%1] is invalid or could not be set: %2
760ErrorFileMaker Script Engine (FMSE) process has terminated abnormally (%1), perhaps due to a plug-in or script issue. After addressing any issues, use the command “fmsadmin start fmse” to start the FMSE process.
761InformationClone of “%1” skipped because no changes were made since last backup; created hard link to last clone file “%2”.
762InformationA new FileMaker Server crash log created at %1 was found: %2
763InformationRunning on %1, with %2 logical processor core(s)
764ErrorBackup of “%1” aborted; error (%2) deleting hard link “%3”.
765ErrorClone of “%1” aborted; error (%2) deleting hard link “%3”.
766ErrorBackup of “%1” aborted; error (%2) creating remote container folder “%3”.
767ErrorBackup of “%1” incomplete; error (%2) copying remote container file “%3”.
768ErrorBackup of “%1” inconsistent; error (%2) removing remote container file “%3”.
769InformationBackup attempting to pause up to %1 database(s)…
770ErrorBackup of “%1” failed; unexpected error. (%2)
771WarningOpened database “%1” read only because it has multiple hard links and may be a FileMaker Server backup file. You must make a copy of the file and open the copy to make changes.
772InformationFileMaker Script Engine support of Install Plug-In File script step enabled.
773InformationFileMaker Script Engine support of Install Plug-In File script step disabled.
774InformationStarting to back up %1 database(s) to folder “%2”.
775InformationDeleted all progressive backup folders in “%1”.
776WarningDeleted progressive backup folders except for “%1”.
777 ErrorError deleting progressive backup folders at “%1”. (%2)
778InformationProgressive backup is enabled with save interval of %1 minute(s) and backup folder set to “%2”.
779InformationProgressive backup is disabled.
780ErrorError closing backup log “%1”. Progressive backup for database “%2” is disabled. (%3)
781ErrorError creating backup log “%1”. Progressive backup for database “%2” is disabled. (%3)
782WarningInvalid path specified: “%1”. Progressive backup is disabled.
783WarningUnable to create or write to backup folder “path“. Progressive backup is disabled. (errorNumber)
784ErrorPause of “%1” failed; unexpected error. (%2)
785ErrorError enabling progressive backup of “%1”. Try closing and reopening the database.
786WarningUnable to communicate with progressive backup process. Try using the ‘fmsadmin restart fmsib’ command to restart the process.
787WarningUnable to start progressive backup of “%1”. Unable to read copy of file “%2”.
788WarningUnable to proceed with progressive backup of “%1” until obsolete remote container folder is manually deleted: “%2”. (%3)
789WarningUnable to proceed with progressive backup of “%1” until copy of remote container folder is manually moved from “%2” to “%3”. (%4)
790WarningUnable to delete temporary folder. To free disk space, manually delete “%1”. (%2)
791WarningUnable to proceed with progressive backup of “%1” until copy of database is manually moved from “%2” to “%3”. (%4)
792WarningUnable to proceed with progressive backup of “%1”. Unable to create in-progress folder “%2”. (%3)
793WarningUnable to delete obsolete progressive backup of “%1”. Will retry at next save interval to delete “%2”. (%3)
794WarningUnable to create hard link(s) for progressive backup of “%1”. Will retry at next save interval to hard link “%2”. (%3)
795ErrorError renaming progressive backup folder from “%1” to “%2”. (%3)
797ErrorError copying progressive backup of “%1”. Will retry at next save interval to copy “%2”. (%3)
798ErrorError deleting progressive backup of “%1”. Will retry at next save interval to delete “%2”. (%3)
799ErrorUnable to apply changes from backup log “path“. Database Server will be notified to make a new progressive backup for database “name“. (errorNum)
800ErrorUnexpected error with backup file “%1”. Progressive backup for database “%2” is disabled. (%3)
808ErrorUnable to read backup log. To free disk space, manually delete “%1”. (%2)
809ErrorDatabase “%1” cannot be opened because it requires features not supported in this version of FileMaker Server.
810ErrorDatabase “%1” cannot be opened because it has one or more fields based on languages not supported by this version of FileMaker Server.
821ErrorCould not close database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
822ErrorCould not pause database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
823ErrorCould not resume database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
824ErrorCould not backup database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
825ErrorCould not verify database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
826ErrorCould not remove database “%1” because it is in incorrect state: %2.
827InformationSECURITY: Saved encryption password for database: “%1”.
828InformationSECURITY: Cleared encryption password for database: “%1”.
829ErrorSECURITY: Unable to save encryption password for database: “%1”.
830ErrorSECURITY: Unable to clear encryption password for database: “%1”.
831InformationSECURITY: Cleared all encryption passwords on this server.
832ErrorSECURITY: Unable to clear encryption passwords on this server.
833InformationDatabase “%1” has been permanently removed from “%2” by “%3”.
936InformationMaximum number of Perform Script on Server sessions to run simultaneously: %1
937InformationProgressive downloading: Secure
938InformationProgressive downloading: Non-secure
939ErrorSECURITY: Database “%1” could not be opened: incorrect encryption password.
940InformationUser “%1” denied access because the FileMaker concurrent connections limit (%2) was exceeded.
941ErrorThe User Connections client limit (now %1) has been exceeded %2 times in the last %3 days. You may need to purchase a license with additional connections.
942InformationSeparate remote container folder [%1] enabled: %2
943InformationSeparate remote container folder [%1] enabled, without backups: %2
952Information%1 process stopped.
954ErrorThe count of connected FileMaker clients has reached %1% of the User Connections client limit.
955InformationWarning message for approaching the User Connections client limit is disabled.
956InformationWarning message will be logged when %1% of the User Connections client limit is reached.
957InformationUser “%1” denied access because the FileMaker users limit (%2) was exceeded.
958WarningA total of %1 clients were denied access during the last %2 minute(s) because the FileMaker Pro connection limit (%3) was exceeded.
959WarningA total of %1 FileMaker clients were denied access during the last %2 minute(s) because the User Connections client limit (%3) was exceeded.
960InformationFileMaker Server license updated.
961InformationFileMaker Server license updated. You will need to manually open databases that may have been closed automatically.
962WarningFileMaker Server license expired on date. Contact your software administrator to renew the FileMaker Server license.
963ErrorFileMaker Server license is no longer authorized. This copy of FileMaker Server will not open any databases, but will allow updating the license key in the Admin Console. Contact your software administrator to renew the FileMaker Server license.
964InformationAutomatically start Database Server when the machine starts: Enabled
965InformationAutomatically start Database Server when the machine starts: Disabled
966InformationAutomatically start Web Publishing Engine when the machine starts: Enabled
967InformationAutomatically start Web Publishing Engine when the machine starts: Disabled
968InformationAutomatically open databases when Database Server starts: Enabled
969InformationAutomatically open databases when Database Server starts: Disabled
973InformationServer configuration role changed from [Primary/Standby/Standalone] to [Primary/Standby/Standalone].
974ErrorLost communication with Standby Server (host).
975InformationReestablished communication with Standby Server (host).
976ErrorDatabase “name” update to the Standby Server failed. (errorNum)
977ErrorRedo log(s) for database “name” failed to update to the Standby Server. (errorNum)
978InformationConnected to Primary/Standby Server (host).
979InformationDatabase “name” update to Standby Server complete.
980ErrorUnexpected Standby Server configuration role; (host) is now running as Standalone.
981ErrorError opening backup file “path”. Database Server will be notified to make a new progressive backup for database “name”. (errorNum)
982InformationDisconnected from Primary/Standby Server (host).
983ErrorDatabase copy to Standby Server requires “name” to be Closed or Paused; current status: Normal/Opening/Closing/Pausing/Resuming/Checking/Exclusive/Invalid.
984InformationServer is running as Primary/Standby/Standalone configuration role.
985InformationServer configuration role change from [Primary/Standby/Standalone] to [Primary/Standby/Standalone] initiated.
986WarningRedo log(s) for database “name” failed to copy to the Standby Server. (errorNum)
987InformationResume of “%1” failed; unexpected error. (%2)
988WarningA setting has been changed on the primary server that will not be applied on the standby server.
989WarningA setting has been changed on the primary server that may produce unexpected results on the standby server.
990InformationClient Authentication
991InformationUse SSL for database connections
992InformationUse SSL for progressive downloading
993InformationAdditional database folder 1
994InformationAdditional database folder 2
995InformationContainer data folder 1
996InformationContainer data folder 2
997InformationProgressive Backup Folder
998InformationEnable additional database folder 1
999InformationEnable additional database folder 2
IDSeverityMessage Text / Information
1000InformationEnable container data folder 1
1001InformationEnable container data folder 2
1002InformationClient statistics logging enabled.
1003InformationClient statistics logging disabled.  
1004InformationTop call statistics logging enabled.
1005InformationTop call statistics logging disabled.
1006InformationWeb Publishing use of plug-ins: Enabled
1007InformationWeb Publishing use of plug-ins: Disabled
1008InformationWeb Publishing support of Install Plug-In File script step enabled.
1009InformationWeb Publishing support of Install Plug-In File script step disabled.
1010WarningSECURITY: The default SSL certificate is being used; for better security, import a valid custom SSL certificate.                                     
1011ErrorSECURITY: The SSL certificate is invalid; for better security, import a valid custom SSL certificate.
1012ErrorSECURITY: The SSL certificate has expired; for better security, import a valid custom SSL certificate.
1013Information SECURITY: Fully qualified host name for use with SSL certificate: name
1014Warning  SECURITY: Fully qualified host name is empty or contains wildcard; clients using Hosts list in Launch Center won’t automatically make a secure connection.
1015InformationRequire Password-Protected Databases: Enabled
1016InformationRequire Password-Protected Databases: Disabled                                                                       
1017Error SECURITY: Database “filename” cannot be opened because it is insecure. Require Password-Protected Databases is enabled.
1018ErrorSECURITY: Failed to send email; a secure connection to the mail server could not be established. (errorNumber)
1019ErrorSECURITY: Admin Console is temporarily disabled for the host nameOrAddress because of too many failed attempts to log in.
1020ErrorSECURITY: Admin Console is temporarily disabled for the user “name” because of too many failed attempts to log in.
1021InformationStarting FileMaker Server version upgrade
1022InformationFileMaker Server version upgrade succeeded
1023ErrorFileMaker Server version upgrade failed: %1
1024InformationStarting AWS VM upgrade
1025InformationAWS VM upgrade succeeded
1026ErrorAWS VM upgrade failed: %1
1027InformationStarting AWS volume upgrade
1028InformationAWS volume upgrade succeeded
1029ErrorAWS volume upgrade failed: %1
1030InformationStarting AWS VM maintenance
1031InformationAWS VM maintenance succeeded
1032ErrorAWS VM maintenance failed: %1
1037Error SECURITY: Error errorNumber occurred when FileMaker Server attempted to set the context for the imported SSL certificate. Because of this security error, the Database Server will now stop. Remove the imported SSL certificate by using the “fmsadmin certificate delete” command, then use Admin Console to import a valid SSL certificate.
1038WarningSECURITY: Database “%1” contains one or more insecure accounts using the Full Access privilege set. Because “Host password-protected databases only” is enabled, these types of accounts cannot be used to log in.
1040WarningFileMaker Server license will expire on %1. Contact your software administrator to renew the FileMaker Server license.
1041 InformationThis copy of FileMaker Server is using a FileMaker Data API Premium License.
1042InformationMaximum number of FileMaker Data API calls per month permitted by this FileMaker Server license: %1
1043InformationWeb Publishing Engine (%1) was added.
1044InformationWeb Publishing Engine (%1) was removed.
1045InformationWeb Publishing Engine (%1) is configured.
1046InformationThis copy of FileMaker Server is using the FileMaker Data API (Trial) License. The FileMaker Data API trial functionality will end on August 16, 2018.
1047InformationThe FileMaker Data API (Trial) License expired on August 16, 2018, and the functionality has been disabled.
1048InformationThe FileMaker Data API (Trial) License will expire in %1 day(s), on August 16, 2018.
1049ErrorSECURITY: Client “%1” temporarily locked account “%3” on database “%2” because of too many failed attempts to log in.
1050WarningThe server deployment has a license issue: “%1”. The issue has reached stage “%2”.
1051InformationThe folder “%1” has been successfully bound to the drive ID “%2”.
1052WarningAn error occurred when binding folder “%1” to the drive ID “%2”.
1053InformationThe folder “%1” has been successfully unbound from the drive ID “%2”.
1054WarningAn error occurred when unbinding folder “%1” from the drive ID “%2”.
1055InformationThe schedule settings file was loaded successfully. For details, see the LoadSchedules.log file.
1056WarningThe schedule settings file was loaded, but the LoadSchedules.log file could not be created.
1057InformationLoaded %1 schedules.
1058InformationLoaded schedule “%1”, type “%2”.
1059InformationCan not load schedule “%1”, type “%2”. Error: %3.
1060InformationFile missing for schedule “%1”: %2
1061InformationFolder missing for schedule “%1”: %2
1062InformationMaximum number of FileMaker users permitted by this FileMaker Server license: %1
1063InformationMaximum number of FileMaker concurrent connections permitted by this FileMaker Server license: %1
1064ErrorSECURITY: The Admin account “%1” is temporarily locked because of too many incorrect sign-in attempts.
1065WarningA total of %1 FileMaker clients were denied access during the last %2 minutes because the FileMaker users limit (%3) was exceeded.
1066ErrorThe server deployment has a license issue: “%1”. The issue has reached stage “%2”.
1069InformationRestoration of databases has started. Log size: %1 KB.
1070InformationRestoration for database “%1” has completed. The number of changes restored: %2.
1071InformationRestoration for database “%1” is deferred while waiting for the encryption password.
1072ErrorRestoration for database “%1” has failed. Total number of changes: %2. The number of changes restored: %3.
1073ErrorRestoration log file access failed. File error: %1.
1074ErrorRestoration log manager internal processing failed.
1075InformationStarting Restoration Log Manager.
1076InformationRestoration Log Manager started successfully.
1077ErrorRestoration Log Manager startup failed.
1078InformationRestoration Log Manager is disabled.
1079InformationStartup Restoration: Enabled
1080InformationStartup Restoration: Disabled
1081WarningFileMaker Server has not communicated with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1082ErrorFileMaker Server has not communicated with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1083WarningFileMaker Server has not registered with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1084ErrorFileMaker Server has not registered with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1085WarningFileMaker Server has not synchronized with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1086ErrorFileMaker Server has not synchronized with the FileMaker License Server for %1 days.
1087WarningYour license has been suspended. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1088ErrorYour license has been suspended. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1089WarningYour license key has been identified as having been pirated. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1090ErrorYour license key has been identified as having been pirated. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1091WarningYour license has been suspended due to nonpayment. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1092ErrorYour license has been suspended due to nonpayment. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1093WarningYour license certificate is no longer valid and needs to be replaced. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1094ErrorYour license certificate is no longer valid and needs to be replaced. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1095WarningYour licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1096ErrorYour licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1097WarningWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1098ErrorWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1099WarningWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 day. Contact Claris International Inc. to avoid loss of service: %2
1100ErrorWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 day. Contact Claris International Inc. to avoid loss of service: %2
1101WarningYour licenses have been terminated. Contact Claris International Inc. to reinstate them: %1
1102ErrorYour licenses have been terminated. Contact Claris International Inc. to reinstate them: %1
1103WarningWARNING: Your FileMaker Cloud trial expires in %1 days. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1104ErrorWARNING: Your FileMaker Cloud trial expires in %1 days. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1105WarningYour FileMaker Cloud trial has expired. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1106ErrorYour FileMaker Cloud trial has expired. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1107WarningYour licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1108WarningWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1109WarningWARNING: Your licenses have expired. You must uninstall or contact Claris International Inc. immediately: %1
1110WarningWARNING: Your licenses have expired. Claris International Inc. will deactivate your software and it will cease to operate.
1111WarningYour FileMaker licenses have been terminated. Contact Claris International Inc. to reinstate them: %1
1112ErrorYour licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1113ErrorWARNING: Your licenses will expire in %1 days. Contact Claris International Inc. to renew: %2
1114ErrorWARNING: Your licenses have expired. You must uninstall or contact Claris International Inc. immediately: %1
1115ErrorWARNING: Your licenses have expired. Claris International Inc. will deactivate your software and it will cease to operate.
1116ErrorYour FileMaker licenses have been terminated. Contact Claris International Inc. to reinstate them: %1
1117WarningYour FileMaker trial license will expire in %1 days. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1118WarningYour FileMaker trial license has expired. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1119ErrorYour FileMaker trial license will expire in %1 days. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1120ErrorYour FileMaker trial license has expired. Visit the Claris Store to buy now.
1121WarningToo many installations for this license. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1122ErrorToo many installations for this license. Contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1123WarningUsers reached %1% of the limit.
1124WarningUsers reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1125ErrorUsers reached %1% of the limit.
1126ErrorUsers reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1127WarningConcurrent connections reached %1% of the limit.
1128WarningConcurrent connections reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1129ErrorConcurrent connections reached %1% of the limit.
1130ErrorConcurrent connections reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1131WarningFileMaker Data API reached %1% of the limit.
1132WarningFileMaker Data API reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1133ErrorFileMaker Data API reached %1% of the limit.
1134ErrorFileMaker Data API reached %1% of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1135WarningFileMaker Data API/OData has reached %1% of the limit.
1136WarningFileMaker Data API/OData has reached %1% of the limit. Upgrade to avoid a disruption in service. 
1137WarningFileMaker Data API/OData has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you upgrade. 
1138ErrorFileMaker Data API/OData has reached %1% of the limit. 
1139ErrorFileMaker Data API/OData has reached %1% of the limit. Upgrade to avoid a disruption in service. 
1140ErrorFileMaker Data API/OData has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you upgrade. 
1141WarningFileMaker Data Storage reached %1 of the limit.
1142WarningFileMaker Data Storage reached %1 of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1143WarningFileMaker Data Storage has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you free up storage or upgrade. 
1144ErrorFileMaker Data Storage reached %1 of the limit. 
1145ErrorFileMaker Data Storage reached %1 of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1146ErrorFileMaker Data Storage has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you free up storage or upgrade. 
1147WarningData transfer reached %1 of the limit. 
1148WarningData transfer reached %1 of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1149WarningData transfer has reached %1% of the limit. Upgrade to avoid a disruption in service. 
1150WarningData transfer has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you upgrade. 
1151ErrorData transfer reached %1 of the limit. 
1152ErrorData transfer reached %1 of the limit. Contact Claris International Inc.: %2
1153ErrorData transfer has reached %1% of the limit. Upgrade to avoid a disruption in service. 
1154ErrorData transfer has exceeded your limit. You can’t use this feature further unless you upgrade. 
1155InformationFileMaker Data API annual limit: %1; annual renewal date: %2
1156InformationThe current purchase agreement is not valid until %1
1157InformationStartup Restoration Path: %1
1158InformationStartup Restoration File Size: %1 MB
1159InformationStartup Restoration File Count: %1
1160InformationRestoration settings have been changed. Restart FileMaker Server for the settings to take effect.
1162InformationRestoration for database file %1 has completed successfully. A new database file was created: %2.
1163InformationRestoration for database file %1 has failed with status %2.
1165WarningYou are not licensed for this version of FileMaker software. Install a licensed version or contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1166ErrorYou are not licensed for this version of FileMaker software. Install a licensed version or contact Claris International Inc.: %1
1167InformationFileMaker Data API/OData annual limit: %1; annual renewal date: %2
1169ErrorError occurred while renaming database file “%1” to “%2”. File could not be renamed.
1170InformationSECURITY: Administrator chose “Show encryption password” for database file “%1”.
1171InformationUnable to remove the file containing information about %1. This file might use some FileMaker Data Storage space.
1172InformationSchedule “%1” has been disabled since the schedule frequency is Once and either the script was executed or the schedule start date has expired.
1174InformationServer discovery is enabled. FileMaker clients will be able to discover the server from the ‘Hosts’ menu.
1175InformationServer discovery is disabled. FileMaker clients will not be able to discover the server from the ‘Hosts’ menu.
1176InformationClient “%1” set session identifier to “%2”.
1178InformationSECURITY: Allow unknown SSL certificate revocation enabled.
1180InformationSECURITY: Allow unknown SSL certificate revocation disabled.
1181InformationClient “%1” does not provide detail for backup groups. (appType: %2, Client version: %3, required version: %4)
1182InformationStart of backup fileset %1, total files %2
1183InformationStarting to back up database %1, current status: %2 (fileset: %3)
1184InformationEnd of backup fileset %1, total files %2
1185InformationTransaction Info
1186InformationBackup of “%1” completed, current status: %2 (fileset: %3)
1187WarningFailed to send verification code email. Check your Email Notification settings in Admin Console. (%1)
1188WarningSECURITY: Client “%1” authentication failed on database “%2” using “%3”: invalid verification code.
1189ErrorUnable to open “%1”: file unreadable.
1190ErrorUnable to open “%1”: file unreadable.
1192InformationSend verification code email to “%1” successfully.
1193WarningSECURITY: Client “%1” authentication failed on database “%2” using “%3”: email not found.
1194WarningSECURITY: Client “%1” authentication failed on database “%2” using “%3”: inactive account.
1195ErrorClone failed on database “%1”. (%2)
1196InformationFileMaker Server Restrict Access: Enabled
1197InformationFileMaker Server Restrict Access: Disabled
1198InformationAdministrator role “%1” created, using folder “%2”.
1199InformationAdministrator role “%1” removed.
1200InformationAdministrator role “%1” modified, using folder “%2”.
1201InformationAdministrator role “%1” renamed to “%2”, using folder “%3”.
1202InformationAdministrator role connected: “%1” (%2).
1203InformationAdministrator role disconnected: “%1” (%2). 1205 Information Persistent Cache is enabled. Restart FileMaker Server for the setting to take effect.
1206InformationPersistent Cache is disabled. Restart FileMaker Server for the setting to take effect.
1208InformationCreated Public Key [%1]
1209InformationRenamed Public Key [%1] to [%2]
1210InformationUpdated Public Key for [%1]
1211InformationRenamed Public Key [%1] to [%2] and updated Public Key
1212InformationDeleted Public Key(s) [%1]
1213WarningEmail notification to administrators failed: Access token could not be generated successfully. Error from OAuth 2.0 provider – Error Code: %1, Error Message: %2
1214WarningEmail notification to administrators failed: Email could not be sent successfully. Error from OAuth 2.0 provider – Error Code: %1, Error Message: %2
1215WarningEmail notification to administrators failed: Email could not be sent successfully. JSON Web Token (JWT) could not be generated successfully. Please check to make sure you have entered the private key correctly.
1216WarningSchedule “%1” was skipped. Try again in 30 seconds.
1217InformationDatabase Server Auto Restart is enabled. Restart FileMaker Server for the setting to take effect.
1218InformationDatabase Server Auto Restart is disabled. Restart FileMaker Server for the setting to take effect.
1219InformationSecure database folder enabled: %1
1220ErrorSecure database folder is invalid or could not be set: %1
1221InformationSecure database folder disabled.

NOTE: The variables “%1”, “%2”, “%3” or “%4” indicate a text string.